26 Aug

Why is magnesium supplemented or magnesium Magnesium Sulphate producer deficient? Even if it is the magnesium supplemented by the foliage, it will still give priority to the supply of new shoots and fruits, so as to ensure the normal growth of the fruit, after the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the old leaves, it is necessary to supplement the magnesium of the growth point first, and there is excess magnesium, which will improve the yellowing symptoms of the old leaves, and the old leaves with serious symptoms may also fall directly due to metabolism. Therefore, some fruit farmers feel that magnesium is still lacking, in fact, it is not enough to make up, especially the yellowing has been very serious, and it needs foliar supplementation many times, or the roots are supplemented together, and then add some time to solve the problem.

Magnesium deficiency effective express delivery improvement method? Holding this idea is reasonable but also unreasonable, magnesium deficiency which improves so quickly, and some people will ask how to cure magnesium deficiency, what is the way to do this, fruit trees continue to absorb every year, then we will continue to supplement year after year, this is the ultimate method. Magnesium supplementation is done in a way that has root supplements and foliar spray supplements.

Root supplementation: In the southern red and yellow soil area, the soil is mostly acidic, magnesium-containing Magnesium Oxide MgO lime, calcium-magnesium-phosphate fertilizer and other magnesium-containing fertilizers can be applied, but these magnesium-containing effects are slower, and can be mixed with fermented and decomposed manure, peanut bran fertilizer, cake fertilizer and other organic fertilizers, mainly used for the prevention of magnesium deficiency or mild disease in orchards. For the fruit orchard with magnesium deficiency symptoms is not obvious, quick-acting magnesium sulfate and magnesium nitrate fertilizer can be used, applied 3 to 4 times a year for correction, and after two consecutive years of continuous application, the yellowing symptoms are alleviated, and the effect is significant.

Foliar supplementation: When there are symptoms of magnesium deficiency, foliar supplementation is a relatively fast way, generally with foliar fertilizer with high magnesium content, increase the concentration of spraying a few times to see Magnesium Oxide powder the symptom relief, or combine with root supplementation, when the root is fertilized, remember to add magnesium-containing fertilizer together with supplementation. Foliar magnesium supplementation is commonly used magnesium sulfate, magnesium nitrate, chelated magnesium, suspended magnesium, seaweed liquid magnesium, as well as chelated magnesium, the early use of magnesium nitrate cost is low, small fruit can now be used, but to do early maturation, later to control nitrogen, it is not recommended to use nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

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